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Code of Conduct

The Institute of Physics' Code of Ethical Conduct covers:


- no fabrication, false results or plagiarism
- honesty about conflicts of interest
- honesty when applying for funding


- diligence in research and in presenting work

Social Responsibility 

- communication
- safety
- respect for the environment

A physicist can turn to this code of conduct for guidance on an ethical issue. It can be downloaded  here.

But physics is used, or applied, in the wider world. There decision-making may involve ethical choices but the decisions are made by economists, business people, and civil servants and other people who are not scientists. The general public is drawn into debates on topics such as generating electricity and transport policy.

New areas of ethics have developed to deal with practical or ‘applied’ questions.

Next: Ethical principles used in PEEP

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Ethical code for scientists

 Write Your Own Code of Ethical Conduct

You are likely to be involved in coursework for GCSE or A level exams, if not now then soon. Why not design your own code of ethical conduct for carrying out science coursework?